What Is Fs In Massage

What Is Fs In Massage

What Is Fs In Massage?


FS (Fascial Stretch) massage is a specialized massage technique that is designed to release tension and restore flexibility in the body's fascia, the connective tissue network that runs throughout the body.


FS massage helps to reduce pain and discomfort, improve posture, increase flexibility and range of motion, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall performance in physical activities.


FS massage involves gentle, sustained pressure applied to the body's fascia. The massage therapist may use their hands, elbows, or a stretching device such as a foam roller to apply pressure.


FS massage is generally considered safe for most people. However, it is not recommended for people who have recently experienced an injury or surgery, as the technique may cause further damage to the area. It is also not recommended for people with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.


FS massage is an effective technique for releasing tension in the body's fascia, the connective tissue network that runs throughout the body. This type of massage can help to reduce pain, improve posture and flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall performance in physical activities. However, it is important to consult with a medical professional before beginning any massage therapy.

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Questions and Answers:

1. what is the massage​


massage = pijatan , memijat

maaf kalo salah:)


2. what is the massage about?​


hah? gaada gambar apa apa



the message tell about...


like ths right?

maaf kalau salah

3. Artinya what is the massage about

Diterjemahkan ke B. indonesia = Apa adalah pesan tentang
#jadikan jawaban terbaik

4. what is the purpose of short massage, notice,caution,warning​


-「Short messages」To send an important message to other people, friend, or family.

-「Notice」to announce or display information to a specific group of people.

-「Caution」to warn people to do or not do something

-「Warning」to enable the deployer of the warning system to prepare for the danger and act accordingly to mitigate or avoid it.

semoga membantu :)

5. what is massage song "count on me"?​

"Count on me" artinya "andalkan aku"

Dalam lagu 'Bruno Mars - Count on me' yang berisi tentang pertemanan dan arti tentang teman

6. what are there in the short massage​

Maaf saya tidak bisa jawab.soalnya pertanyaan nya rada membingungkan

7. What is the massage of the song “ my way “

believe in your self, no matter what. you're gonna make it so keep trying hard and pray. god has beautiful plan

8. What is the massage of the story


apa itu pijatan dari ceritanya

9. apa arti dari "what is the massage for?"

kegunaan surat apa?
apa kegunaan surat?
Pesan itu untuk apa?

semoga membantu :)

10. Lagu Life is wonderful jason mraz 1. What is the song about? 2. Which part is the chours? 3. Is there ani figurative language in the song? What is it? 4. What is the massage found in the song?

Pertama” mau cek writing sm grammar pertanyaan. It should be

1. What is the song about?

2. Which part is the chorus?

3. Is there any figurative language in the song? What is it?

4. What is the message (massage itu pijet) found in the song?


1. Dari judul lagu, bisa dilihat kalau misalnya lagu ini menceritakan tentang “kehidupan itu indah” lagu itu merupakan seni, dan seni itu diinterpretasi oleh setiap orang dengan cara yang beda. Lagu ini, menurutku, menceritakan tentang meskipun kehidupan itu sangat susah sekarang, bakal ada masa yang lebih indah.

2. Pas bagian, “la la la la la la la la life is wonderful” sampai “ah la la la la”

3. Aku udah lama ga belajar ttg majas. Arti dari figurative itu majas. Disini sih yang jelas, itu pakek majas perumpamaan (disetiap verse nya ada) jadi, itu jawabannya metaphor

4. In order to pick out the delicious fruit in life, you need to work hard to achieve it

11. What is thr massage of th song imagine

The message contained from the song "Imagine" is that we must unite and there should be no hostility in this life. In addition, another message of this song is that we must have social concerns and never feel that we are the greatest of all.

Pesan yang terdapat dari lagu "Imagine" adalah bahwa kita harus bersatu dan tidak boleh ada permusuhan didalam hidup ini.Selain itu, pesan lain dari lagu ini adalah bahwa kita harus mempunyai kepedulian sosial dan jangan pernah merasa bahwa kita ini yang paling hebat diantara semuanya.


12. what is the writer s purpose of writing the massage?​


apa tujuan penulis menulis pijat?

13. What is the writer's intention to write the massage?

To tell you about the topic

14. what is the massage of the count on me song


1. True friend is someone who cares about you no matter what. Then, he/she willing to help you out from your problem.

Maksudnya di sini teman yang bener-bener teman ini selalu peduli pada kalian gak peduli situasinya kayak gimana. Lalu, kalau dia ringan banget gitu memberi pertolongan ke elu.

2. We have to be ready to give a help when our friends feeling helpless.

Hampir mirip-mirip kayak yang di atas, tetapi ini konteksnya pada diri kita. Kalau kita ingin jadi teman sejati buat orang lain, maka kita harus selalu siap kalau teman kita butuh pertolongan.

3. If you rely on a friend, then you've to be a person who can be relied on.

Kalau elu dikit-dikit suka ngajak teman atau butuh pertolongan teman, maka elu juga harus mau kalau temen lu gantian ngandelin elu.

4. Don't be selfish to your friends.

Elu jangan jadi orang yang egois deh kalau berteman daripada temen elu cari orang lain.

5. Make your friends fun with little attention to them.

Kalau di lagu Bruno Mars ini, si Bruno menyanyikan lagu di samping temannya yang nggak bisa tidur.



If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,

I'll sail the world to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,

I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one two three

I'll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two

You'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Whoa, whoa

Oh, oh

Yeah, yeah

If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep

I'll sing a song

Beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Everyday I will

Remind you


Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one two three

I'll…  be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two

You'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Oh, oh

Yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go

Never say goodbye

You know you can

Count on me like one two three

I'll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two

And you'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Oh, oh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

hopefully can help :)

15. tolong artikan in dong what is ajis purpose to write such tind of massage from the message above we know that

apa tujuan untuk menulis semacam pijat, dari pesan di atas kita tahu bahwamassagenya salah tulis mungkin?

Apa maksud/tujuan ajis mengirim pesan tersebut

Dari pesan diatas kita bisa tau bahwa . . .

16. What is the massage behind the trory of sang kuriang


The message behind the story of Sangkuriang is :

1. Do not lie to parents

2. Do not be deceived by anger until out of control

3. Learn to control your emotions

4. Do not be deceived by lust


that's the answer, hope it helps and sorry if the answer is wrong... keep it up <3

17. what is ayu's intention to sand the massage?​

Because Ryan Was Sick, So She need to send message to her to give her support with some present to him

To make ryan healthier and happier by sending some present because he is sick right now

18. what is the massage from this song?? please answer this quetion.

The message from the song is we have to be what we want. We have to be ourself. Just forget about what people say to us. Follow your heart, be what you wanna be and go for it.

Thank you!The message is :
Never bury your feelings. Whatever happens in your life, whether painful or distressing thing, let it pass. you have to forget what has past. Whatever decision you make, or how you feel hurt. By doing so, you can still go ahead without a load.

19. what is the purpose of short massage, notice,caution,warning​


Short message: To send an important message or information to other people, friend or family.

Notice: To give notice of something.

Caution: Caution is short and simple information that is addressed to others to avoid danger or risk careful attitude or manner of behavior.

Warning: Warning (warn) is a sentence of expressions that is used to warn someone usually placed in certain places to attract the attention of the reader.

20. what is the massage of the song heal the world ​

Song : Heal the World (Michael Jhonson)

Heal the World, from this song the songwriter tries to convey to us how dark and ruined the future of children's will be if they continue to fight

Children are the key to the future, not only for families, but also for the world, Heal the World also tries to convey to us that war only leaves pain, sadness and damage to the ecosystem, If there is no conscious sense from the heart of the human being will die in the end of time that he created himself

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